
We have a Professional people team with enough knowledge and skills to build any type of metal part. Our production processes allow us to offer a fast and efficient service to the client as we thanks to current and optimized working methodology. Our main processes are:


  1. Purchase of parts cut by oxyfuel, plasma, laser and water jet depending on the customer’s needs. We are master in any type of thickness and quality in both Carbon Steel and Stainless Steel.
  2. If you need a quick reaction, we have a manual plasma, a shear and a saw to make these cuts. Please consult us prior.
  3. Ability to fold pieces of any size and thickness previously mentioned.
  4. Ability to turn any type of Cones, Rings etc.
  5. Final straightening of parts once the welding process has been completed. In this way, we correct any deviation caused by the weld.
Montaje - Calderería Iturralde
Montaje - Calderería Iturralde
Montaje - Calderería Iturralde


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